miércoles, 8 de julio de 2020


ONUSIDA y China trabajan juntos durante el brote de COVID-19 para ...

This quarantine has not been easy for anyone. I think that the hardest thing for me and my family is not being able to see our grandmother because she came to our house every day and now obviously she can't so we miss her a lot. Another difficult thing has been living with the fear of having COVID because my mom works in a pharmacy, and my brother in a supermarket, so they are constantly exposed to people.

This situation has been difficult for me because I can't see the people I love like my boyfriend, grandmothers, and friends. Also, online classes have been a real challenge because it has been difficult to concentrate and study at home, so I get frustrated when I can't concentrate.
However something positive about this situation is that I learned to make vegan cakes, I started to meditate and I started exercising again which keeps me a little healthier physically and mentally

I think that during the pandemic I have been more pessimistic than optimistic. There are times when I think that things will improve but then I remember that I live in Chile and the government is incompetent and I return to reality haha :(

I hope this pandemic causes people to consume less and share more with the people they love. I hope that we realize that we are part of a complex ecosystem, which requires our care, commitment, and attention because we depend on other beings to live, that we realize that this neoliberal capitalist system doesn't work and obviously realize that eating animals generates pandemics

2 comentarios:

  1. Not being able to see the people we love is very difficult and more if we are accustomed to do it. I hope you and your family can stay healthy!

  2. I also miss see the people that i love and i hope that all this ends soon.
