lunes, 25 de mayo de 2020


Playa Blanca de Villarrica y sector piscinas de la Playa Grande de ...

The best holiday I've ever had was definitely January 2020. I went with my boyfriend and his family to their house in Lican Ray, we stayed there for two weeks, it was nice to spend more time with them and we went to a lot of places. 

Rafting - Fotos de Pucón - Archivo wc-67We went to Temuco to visit my boyfriend's grandpa and I really like to go there because he and her wife are very kind and that time they taught me several things about the Mapuche culture. Another thing that I really liked was that my boyfriend and I went for a walk almost every morning and it was really nice to walk along the lakeshore and talk about everything. Also, we went to Pucon to do rafting, it was a unique experience, I remember that I was so nervous at first but later I started to enjoyed it and in the end it was amazing, I would definitely like to do it again!!
We had planned to cross to Argentina too but we did not have time so I hope we can do it next time :(

It has been the best holiday so far because it was the third time that I went to vacation with them so I felt more comfortable than the previous times and we visit many beautiful places and do a lot of things like a family

4 comentarios:

  1. in my mind rafting is an extreme sport haha, so admirable

  2. Pucón is so beautiful, I love it. In my study travel, my classmates did rafting in the river but I scared.

  3. Licanray it's so beautiful.I here ate the best handmade ice creams

  4. Oh, I also went to Pucón in January! Amazing!
